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The Evaluation

At Tithonus, students are evaluated on the basis of their willingness to learn and the efforts they make to reach their goals. Based on a comprehensive evaluation system, evaluation in the school is a combined effort on the part of the teachers, the parents and the students to better understand the learning experiences for each student. Processes of learning and the relationships that students create while learning are accorded high significance. Students are usually not compared with each other. Alternatively, they are gently guided to understand the inherent strengths, virtues and potential that they possess within themselves. The objective is to recognize the progress that each child makes in their own learning curve. Like the myriad influences of the school, evaluation at Tithonus is also a source of inspiration and learning, and not a time for judgment and fear.

The goal of curriculum is to provide stress-free education that enables children to blossom to their fullest potential; broaden the vision and deepen the roots. Teachers use daily class observations, students’ creative pursuits, informal assessments, group and individual goal settings as indicators of progress and development. To the extent possible, teachers and parents together share their observations with the students and seek collective goal setting as the strategy for future development of each student.

Individual attention is paid to each student with a view to provide all aspects of education: ethical, social, artistic and spiritual. At the same time, children are encouraged to express themselves freely and creatively, in an atmosphere of mutual care and goodwill.

I request you to read the information contained in the next pages carefully. Please do interact with the teachers on a regular basis, as it is only with mutual co-operation that we will succeed in our mission of creating an environment where the child develops as a responsible and useful member of the world we live in today. Thank you!
